Trip to Carlisle Cathedral

Year 3 visited Carlisle Cathedral to see the completed labyrinth that we had helped create. Along with many other schools we had worked hard to design and make a tile to represent 'Our School and Our Journey'. All the tiles were then put together to create a beautiful labyrinth.

Labyrinths can be used as a form of pilgrimage, which is a special journey undertaken for a religious motive. While we were there we each wrote something that we were worried about on a piece of paper and took it with us to the middle of the labyrinth. We then left our messages there as a symbol of leaving our problems behind. We also received a pilgrimage badge as a reward for making the journey.

Later we made our own finger labyrinths so that we can trace the pattern with our finger whilst reflecting or saying a prayer. Finally, we had a tour of the Cathedral which was really impressive. Everyone was amazed at the glorious ceiling.





D&T - Inventions

Year 3 have had a busy start to the summer term!

We have been doing lots of work in D&T finding out about ground-breaking British inventions. We learnt about the invention of the telephone and made our own paper cup phones to test out the vibration of sound. We also learnt about W.B. Wilkinson's invention of reinforced concrete and we were set the challenge to to reinforce newspaper to make a strong bridge. We then found out all about Charles Mackintosh's invention of waterproof material. We tested out how adding different things to paper could make it more waterproof.

We also had a visit from the Dalston Handbell ringers. They are very talented and we loved listening to all the bells playing tunes. We even got the chance to have a go ourselves.





Trip to Threlkeld Quarry and Mining Museum

As part of our History work, Year 3 visited Threlkeld Quarry and Mining Museum. We were able to ride an old train and find out about how a steam engine worked. We learnt about the microgranite that is quarried in the area. We learnt about how the development of the railways helped the quarry and mining industry to transport the heavy stone away from the mines. We also learned about how stone was used to make cobbled roads and to fill in between the tracks when the railways were built.

We had fun applying our maths skills to add up things in the shop and choose something to spend our money on. We were then able to try out a form of mining ourselves by panning for gold and minerals. We all came home with a treasure pot!