St Michael's offers both Breakfast and After School provision for pupils.

If you need to contact our Breakfast and After School staff urgently during club hours, they can be reached on 07770 972246. Please do not use this number for booking requests/queries.


Breakfast Club

This runs Monday - Friday from 8am to 8.50am and costs £3.50 per session, providing care for children who need to be at school before 8.50am when the school staff come on duty. The children receive breakfast of cereal and toast.

Spaces must be booked in advance, and parents should use the Arbor Parent Portal. Call the school office if you need any assistance.



After School Club

Again, this club is available every school day (except on the last day of term if school finishes early). Sessions run from 3.30pm to 4.30pm or 3.30pm to 5.30pm and cost £3.50 for the shorter session and £6.50 for the longer session. Places can be booked as regular slots or ad hoc. Changes can be made by contacting the school office on 01228 711544 and we also ask that parents call or email the school to notify us of 'same day bookings' as the ASC staff may not view these bookings prior to the session.

If your child is booked into After School Club s/he will be collected from her/his class by the ASC staff at the end of the school day and taken to After School Club.

Both clubs are Ofsted inspected and provide a fun and stimulating time.

Please note that a fixed penalty of £20.00 will be issued for children picked up after 5.30pm, and parents will no longer be able to use the After School Club provision until this penalty is paid.



The Breakfast Club leaders are Miss Peascod and Mrs Rennie, assisted by Miss Reddan

The After School Club leaders are Mrs Rennie and Mrs Tait, assisted by Mrs Todhunter and Miss Reddan.

Wraparound Care Leaflet

Breakfast After School

Miss Peascod

Miss Peascod

Miss Reddan

Miss Reddan

Mrs Rennie

Mrs Rennie

Mrs Tait

Mrs Tait

Mrs Todhunter

Mrs Todhunter