Extra Curricular Clubs - Jan/Feb
Extra Curricular clubs for first spring term.
Year 5/6 Football
Our County finalist Year 5/6 football team!
Sports Hall Athletics
Our Year 5/6 athletics team
Panathlon Ten Pin Bowling
Our Panathlon Bowling team!
Year 5/6 Girls Football
Our Year 5/6 girls team ready to play!
Cross Country Competition
St Michael's pupils ready to take part in cross country races at the Sheepmount.
Autumn Extra-Curricular Clubs (September/October)
Our extra-curricular clubs for September and October.
Autumn Extra-Curricular Clubs (November/December)
Our extra-curricular clubs for November and December.
Reading Cafe
Storytime with Mrs Smith at our Breakfast Reading Cafe.
CUFC Girls Football Festival
Our girl's football team ready to play at CUFC's Brunton Park!
Year 3/4 Girls Football
Our Year 3/4 girls team ready to play football!
World Poetry Day
Stories and poems for breakfast!