Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is of the utmost importance at St. Michael's;

it is everyone's responsibility.

St. Michael's school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and well-being of its pupils, engaging with young people and staff in Policy and practice developments, proactively encourages feedback and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.


In our school, the staff who have specific child protection responsibilities are:

Designated Safeguarding Lead Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss Gill Mawson (Deputy Head)  Mrs Lorna Smith, (Headteacher) 


Advanced Certificate in Safeguarding - Nov 2023

Certificate in Online Safety - Nov 2022

Operation Encompass Key Adult - Nov 2022

Prevent Training - June 2022


Designated Safeguarding Lead Level 2 & 3 - April 2023

Safer Recruitment - March 2023

Prevent Training - June 2022

Single Central Record - June 2023










Our safeguarding governor is Brendan McArdle

The role of the governor is to support the DSL/DSLs through regular monitoring and challenge to ensure that all our practices and procedures are effective and meet the needs of all our pupils.

If you have a concern about a child or young person please ask to speak to either Miss Mawson or Mrs Smith or you can take your concern directly to Cumbria Safeguarding Children Partnership - Safeguarding Hub


Key Documents 

Child Protection Policy and Procedures

Overarching Safeguarding Statement 

Keeping Children Safe in Education 

NSPCC Summary of Changes to KCSiE 2022/2023

Safeguarding Information for Visitors 

Working Together to Safeguard Children 

Online Safety Policy 

Filtering and Monitoring information

Our School is an Operation Encompass School - Operation Encompass Information for Parents 


Early Help 

Early Help is the response made when a professional identifies unmet needs with a child/family and works with other agencies to meet those needs. At this level of need an Early Help Assessment - Signs of Well-being and Success (EHA) should be completed with the child and family to identify, what is working well, what the worries are and what wellbeing and success would look like?  A clear plan will be developed by the agencies with the family that is SMART and is focused on what success will look like for the child/ren.

Any professional from a service that supports families can initiate an Early Help Assessment - Signs of Well-being and Success (EHA) and can be carried out with any child or young person from pre-birth up to age 19 (up to the age of 25 if the young person has a learning difficulty or disability).

The completion of an EHA would trigger a response from different agencies.  A date should be set for a Team Around the Family (TAF) meeting, in order to identify a coordinator, agree the plan and which agency would work to achieve each of the wellbeing goals.

Early Help Parent Information


Online Safety 

Online safety is a key part of keeping children safe at St. Michael's. This involves educating the children about safe use of the internet and associated technology and also supporting parents. 

As part of this we have created an Acceptable Use Agreement for pupils, school and parents. We ask pupils, teachers and parents to read, discuss and sign the document each academic year and it is regularly referred to during appropriate teaching moments. 

Acceptable Use Agreement

We regularly share guidance documents from National Online Safety on our school Facebook page and via email. 

Here are some useful documents and links to help us work together to keep our children safe online, click on each image to take you to their site: 

Advice for parents on cyberbullying



 CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command - you can report inappropriate online contact here. 



Parents' Safeguarding Newsletters

Children's 'Be Safe, Be Healthy' Newsletters

June 2024

December 2023

April 2023

January 2023



Summer Term 2024

Autumn Term 2023

Summer Term 2023

Spring Term 2023






Pupil Voice 

Here are the results of our most recent Pupil Voice session on safeguarding in school 

Pupil Voice - January 2023