Panathalon Day
Panathalon Day at Carlisle Youth Zone!
Extra-Curricular Clubs Autumn 2
Take a look at the clubs that we have on offer this term. Places can be booked on School Cloud.
Cross Country Competition
Our winning Year 6 boys runners!
Panathalon Bowling
Ready to play some bowling!
Year 5/6 Boys Football Competition
Ready to play football!
Year 5/6 Girls Football Competition
Ready to play football!
Year 5/6 Boys Football Competition
Our Year 5/6 boys football team.
Cricket Competition
Ready to play cricket!
Year 4 Cake and Tomato Plant Sale
Year 4 will be selling cupcakes and tomato plants on Thursday 25 May after school as part of their Bright Stars venture
CUFC Boys Football Festival
Our Year 5 and 6 boys team ready to play at Brunton Park
CUFC Girls Football Festival
Our Year 5 and 6 girls ready to play at Brunton Park
Year 4 Tennis
Our 4 tennis players ready to play!