Art- light and shade

The children completed their art topic by using the skills they have acquired to paint their own still life.




Science - Solids, liquids and gases

The children planned and conducted their own experiments in groups to find out which chocolate melted the quickest.
Some chose to use different sizes of chocolate, some decided to stir the chocolate at different speeds and some chose to experiment with different types of chocolate. Everyone placed their chocolate in plastic cup cake holders and put them into some hot water. (Everyone was careful not to touch the water.).
They then measured the time it took for the chocolate to melt whilst observing what was happening.
One team found their chocolate didn’t melt very much so they decided to try hotter water which made the chocolate melt quicker.
The groups that stirred the chocolate found that slow stirring helped the chocolate melt more quickly. They hadn’t predicted this; however, Mimi suggested that faster stirring introduced more cold air to the chocolate which made it harder for the chocolate to melt.




Art- Light and Shade 

Year 4 have enjoyed investigates how to mix paints in different ways. They added white to create tints and black to create shades of red. They were careful not to overload their paint brushes!


Once they had mastered creating different tints and shades, they used their skills to paint a mug aiming to create a three dimensional (3D) effect. 


Next, the children experimented with a range of painting techniques: pointillism, stippling, dabbing, wash, adding texture and using different tools. 



English- Poetry inspired by Pie Corbett

Year 4 have been working hard using  a range of poetic techniques to create their own poems related to their hopes, dreams and wishes.

Read through the examples below.  Can you spot any examples of similes, alliteration, repetition,  powerful verbs or precise nouns?

The children have created their own poetry book which is displayed in the classroom for others to read and enjoy.  





Year 4 are very excited for their nativity 'Stable Manners'!


Science - The Digestive System

Year 4 have been busy modelling the digestive system and have had lots of fun making working models.

We used bananas and crackers as food. We placed them into a bag which represented the stomach, then added water (to represent saliva) and orange juice (to represent the stomach acid). We pummelled the foods with the liquids, just like the stomach muscles pummel our food. Once the food had been mashed up, we transferred it into a paper cup which represented the large intestine. We had made a small hole in the bottom of the cup to act as the anus which we pushed the waste food through. The waste food was our faeces!




Art - Sculpture

Year 4 have completed their Art topic on Mega Structures by experimenting with different ways to join materials to make their open sculptures.



Art - Sculpture

Year 4 have been looking at different styles of sculpture in Art. We have learned about Magdalene Odundo's work and her inspirations, then used chalk to make large 2D drawings of 3D sculptures.


We also explored the work of sculptor Sokairi Douglas Camp, and then used ourselves as an active part of our very own shadow sculptures highlighting our school values: kindness, perseverance, forgiveness, respect and challenge.